Intelligent Investments
Why Us

Why Us


  1. Know Yourself - Your Goals, Responsibilities, Risk Profile, Insurance, Investments, Cash Flow, Expected Return, Tax slab, etc.
  2. Research INVESTMENTS - Product, Risk, Return, Liquidity, Tax, Lock-in, Charges, Options, Effect on Overall Portfolio, etc.
  3. Evaluate whether an investment is a good investment for YOU. Every investment is a good investment for someone.
  4. Plan and Diversify - Across and within asset classes, products, providers, options, and geography.
  5. Keep investments simple. Simple is NOT easy. It is THE MOST difficult thing to achieve.
  6. Invest for Maximum, Total, After-Tax, Real Returns - understand effect of Inflation and Tax Drag.
  7. Invest . Don't trade or speculate. Have reasonable expectations. Don't panic.
  8. Realize the power of compounding. Start early and invest regularly. Time in Investment more important than Timing Investment.
  9. Be Aware that NOTHING is FREE and every cost counts, whether direct, indirect, opportunity or hidden.
  10. Monitor investments; re-balance, if required; and evolve from mistakes.
  11. Integrate investments with protecting, creating, building, sustaining and utilizing wealth management strategies.
  12. Work hard and smart on your own OR invest intelligently with an Advisor.

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