Why Us
- Know Yourself - Your Goals, Responsibilities, Risk Profile, Insurance, Investments, Cash Flow, Expected Return, Tax slab, etc.
- Research INVESTMENTS - Product, Risk, Return, Liquidity, Tax, Lock-in, Charges, Options, Effect on Overall Portfolio, etc.
- Evaluate whether an investment is a good investment for YOU. Every investment is a good investment for someone.
- Plan and Diversify - Across and within asset classes, products, providers, options, and geography.
- Keep investments simple. Simple is NOT easy. It is THE MOST difficult thing to achieve.
- Invest for Maximum, Total, After-Tax, Real Returns - understand effect of Inflation and Tax Drag.
- Invest . Don't trade or speculate. Have reasonable expectations. Don't panic.
- Realize the power of compounding. Start early and invest regularly. Time in Investment more important than Timing Investment.
- Be Aware that NOTHING is FREE and every cost counts, whether direct, indirect, opportunity or hidden.
- Monitor investments; re-balance, if required; and evolve from mistakes.
- Integrate investments with protecting, creating, building, sustaining and utilizing wealth management strategies.
- Work hard and smart on your own OR invest intelligently with an Advisor.